The today Pseudo Greeks claim that: "Modern Greeks are direct descendents of the Ancient Greeks"
Response: There were no "Ancient Greeks" since the word "Greek" was not coined until after the Roman conquests, approximately 600 years after the establishment of the City States and approximately 150 years after they were conquered by the Macedonians (EMATHIA= originally ancient name of Macedonia that in Albanian language means THE GREATEST).
The word Greek, according to Aristotle (Metereologica i.14, p.352), comes from the word Graikoi. Romans added their latin suffix -ci making it Graeci. Well, in Pelasgian mythology "Graia" or "Graes" were three old ladies sisters of the monsters called Gorgon and u can grab any mythology book and read their story.
In Albanian language "Gra" means exactly that, "Old Ladies", singular "Grua/Gruaja" and plural "Gra".
“Pelasgians" is the name generally given by ancient writers to the peoples before the came of Hellenes. According to both Herodotus and Thucyclides, Pelasgians formed the largest element of the early population of Greece and the Aegean, and most of them were gradually assimilated by the Hellenes.
Thucydides, the historian of the fall of Athens, describing his ancestors, said that:
“They did not amount to very much, they were very ill-mannered. They lived like pigs and threw the bodies of their enemies to the wild dogs who guarded their sheep.
They had very little respect for other people's rights, and they killed the natives of the peninsula the Pelasgians … and stole their farms and took their cattle and made their wives and daughters slaves and wrote endless songs praising the courage of the clan of the Achaeans, who had led the Hellenic advance- guard into the mountains of Thessaly and the Peloponnesus. But here and there, on the tops of high rocks, they saw the castles of the AEgeans and those they did not attack for they feared the metal swords and the spears of the Aegean soldiers and knew that they could not hope to defeat them with their clumsy stone axes”.
Thucydides suggests that the name "Hellen" became popular amongst the people who were known as "Graikoi" when the inhabitants of Phtiotis (southern Thessaly) became the predominat tribe of the area and used the name of their hierarchy (which was Hellen son of Deukalion). The Romans have made some references to the ancient people living in Sicily as "Grecos", but Romans referred to the regions south of Olympus as Achaia.
Herodotus (a Dorian from Halikarnassos city ) saw this transformation as the following of the invasions by Danaos (the Egyptians), and he makes mockery of the Ionians of Asia Minor who thought of themselves as the most refined and the best of all Ionians, by stating that those Ionians had come in mixing with a big number of other non Greek people.
The idea that the Pelasgians were the native population, converted to something more "Greek" by the invading Egyptians, also occurs in the plays of Aischylos and Euripides, written around the same time as Herodotus' Histories.
"Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes" it is written in Eneide (Libro II, 49) of Publio Virgilio Marone, and are the words that Laoconte pronunciate to the Troians, to convince them to not enter the Horse of Troia into the city! Simply because the Danaos weren't Greeks but Egyptians.
The people then lived in a lot of little City-States, do not have a nation and in the Bronze Age each one had in its own city a king!
Is well known that the ancient City States were never united politically and never established themselves as a single state. In fact they existed politically independent from one another and fought each other for economic dominance of the region.
Even since ancient times, especially the south regions has been without borders and open to all kinds of invasions and barbarian settlements.
The City States did engage in considerable commerce with other civilizations such as Phoenecians, Etruscans, Hitties, Egyptians, Illyrians, Macedonians, Thracians, etc., and as a fact "citizens" only formed a minority of the total residents of the city states, with the rest composed of foreigners or slaves.
Helens never had political borders before Alexander the Great. And even then, their northern borders were Epirus and Macedonia/ Emathia. Aristotle’s saying that the Selloi of Epirus were called "Graikoi" before the arrival of Hellenes. In the coast of Minor Asia there were the remains of Hittites and of course Luwians. The Ionians and Arcadians were connected to them.The Cynourians had a different background. Strabo speaks about Kadmoi and Gefyraioi coming from Phoenicia (who settled in Boetia); The pelopes who settled in Peloponnesus coming from Phrygia; The Thracians of Eumolpos who settled in Attica; The Boettians in central Greece and the Bottoi of Macedonia were EteoCretans etc. That suggest the existence of various non Hellenic people in Hellas before, during and after they arrival, and add the fact that wherever the Hellens established their colonies, they all mix with the native populations.
So wouldn't be surprised that there would have been Nubians and other sub-saharan Africans living on their soil, because the economy of the city States depended to a large extent on slavery since large scale agriculture hadn't been utilized on their poor soil.
Changes in the ethnic composition of Greek city-states are illustrated by the comments about the case of Piso. Piso, who had been the recipient of an unhelpful decision by a vote of the Athenian city assembly, 'made a violent speech in which he said that: “The latter-day Athenians had no right to identify themselves with the great Athenians of the days of Pericles, Demosthenes, Aeschylus, and Plato.
The ancient Athenians had been extirpated by repeated wars and massacres and these were mere mongrels, degenerates, and the descendants of slaves... Any Roman who flattered them as if they were the legitimate heirs of those ancient heroes was lowering the dignity of the Roman name.' Such historical ideas make it clear that even two thousand years ago the notion of ethnic purity amongst the Greeks was difficult to sustain.
The ethnic mix continued over the next two thousand years!
In reality the words "Greece" and "Greek" were popularized by modern 19th century writers. There are no ancient maps or references with the words "Greece".
Greece is a newly artificial created state which never existed before the 19th century.
The Kingdom of Greece, occupying the region of Morea, present day Peloponnesus, was created for the first time in 1829.
Between 1829 and 1912 the Greeks enlarged their territory to present day Greece, by conquering by force Epirus inhabited by Albanians Arvanites, Thessaly and 51% of Macedonia.
According to anthropologist Roger Just, most of the 19th-century "Greeks" who had so recently won their independence from the Turks, not only did not call themselves Hellenes (they learned this label later from the intellectual nationalists); they did not even speak Greek by preference, but rather Albanian, Slavonic, or Vlach dialects.
He held that their culture, customs and habits might seem in relation to those of the other peoples of the Balkans !
George Finlay noted that " the vigorous Albanians of Hydra, the warlike Albanians of Suli, the persevering Bulgarians of Macedonia, and the laborious Vallachians on the banks of the Aspropotamos who embarked together on a struggle for Greek independence”.
Nicholas Hammond tells us that in the Greek War of Independence the Albanians, above all, drove the Turks out. The descendants of Albanian people were still speaking Albanian when he was in Greece in the 1930s. This is not a reflection on the national consciousness of these Greek citizens, for as Hammond explains, they thought of themselves as Greek.
Indeed Hammond points out that the Albanian role in the resistance to the Turks, and in the formation of the Greek nation, was significant. "Greece, while denying the presence of ethnic and religious minorities within its borders, tries to convince the world that the Orthodox people living in its neighboring countries are ethnic Greeks. But this is not true. Albanians settled in Athens, Corinth, Mani, Thessaly and even in the Aegean islands. In the early nineteenth century, the population of Athens was 24 % Albanian, 32 % Turkish, and only 40 % Greek. The village of Marathon, scene of the great victory in 490 B.C., was, early in the nineteenth century, almost entirely Albanian.”
At its inauguration Greece stated out with a small population of less than one million people, most of whom were Albanians, Slavs and Vlahs with a small minority of other ethnicities. By the time Greece conquered Epirus and Thessaly, its population grew to three times its original size. In 1907 it registered a population of 2,600,000.
After it conquered Macedonia and exchanged populations with Turkey, its population tripled.
In 1928 Greece registered 6,200,000 people. 1,100,000 of them were Christians refugees but with different ethnicity from Asia Minor.
After the Treaty of Lausanne in July 1923, and after the population exchanges with Turkey, Greece declared itself homogenous consisting of “100% pure Greeks” with a very small Muslim but ethnically Greek population like was the case of Albanians Chams (Tsamides).
Internment of all male persons from 16 to 75 years of age, started by the Metaxa regime two months before Greece's occupation by fascist Italy and continued.
During 1940-1941 Thousand of Chams were interned to the islands of the Aegean Sea. During the internment more than 450 people died of tortures.
June 27, 1944
City / Villages Men Women: Paramithi, Margellic, Gumenice villages 800 230 1030
August 1944 Filat and villages: 198 61 259
March 1945 Filat and villages: 372 59 431
Death in internment: 450 - 450
Total: 1950 350 2300
Deaths in route(diseases and afflictions): 2400
Victims (total): 1950 - 350 - 4700 Raped women: more than 475
Kidnapped women: 76
Villages and burnt houses: Parge, Preveze, Arta Paramithi, Margelliç: 21 2300, Gumenice: 26 2300, Filat: 44 1200
Total: 91 5800
Paramithi (in town + villages) = 61 Gumenice and villages = 25
Filat (town + villages) = 24
Total: 110
Large scale plunder of agricultural and livestock products, as well as morethan 46 000 sheep and 5137 cattle.
Greek Genocide was among Albanian Orthodox Chams too not only Albanian Muslum Chams, as well as Orthodox Macedonian in Northern Greece during 1945-1946. The main hidden agenda was to create a Greek dominated Greece, and this agenda was covered with the holly Christian war pretext. Greece today even for Muslim Turks in Thraka, is trying hard at least have them named as Muslim Greeks, no matter what is they religion. The truth is that Greece is playing hard and taking advantage in maximum with the 'Christian card' to reach its purely Greek undercover goals.
How can the modern Pseudo Greeks claim purity and homogeneity if its population in 1928 was non-Greek?
What about its Albanian, Vlah, Slav and Turkish elements?
How can a region where modern Greece is located today, which has been open to a multitude of invasions, conquests and settlements, remain homogeneous and untouched for more than two thousand years?
The conviction among modern pseudo- Greeks that the Greek State is ethnically homogenous has entailed repeated and official denial of the existence of minorities which are not of “pure Hellenic origin”. The obsession with Greek racial identity involves the distortion of the history of the thousands of years when there was no such thing as a Greek nation state
Nationalism did not exist before the modern era, and there is no reason why it should continue to exist in the postmodern era!
The original distortion of the inventention a new Greece in the image of Periclean Athens, excluding the Church - not to mention the Byzantine heritage, folk songs, and the Tourkokratia - was so gross that it could not continue without revision during the years!
According to Peter Bien in “Inventing Greece” Journal of Modern Greek Studies - Volume 23, Number 2, October 2005, pp. 217-234: “Nationalism acts as a bulwark against death, fate, and contingency. It replaces religion, claiming qualities for the state that clearly are not true.
Indeed, today Greece nationalism is an Invented Fiction. In this, Greece does not differ from other European nations in which nationalism developed in the void left by the breakdown of the Christian world-view.
The Neohellenic 18-century Enlightenment invented a glorious past for Greece as well as a glorious future. But the distortions were so gross that they could not continue without revision during the nineteenth century. Then nationalism was reinvented still again in the twentieth century.
What we need to realize in the 21- century is that the world has had quite enough of these inventions. Let us redevelop an all-embracing system of value that goes beyond the nation-state”
The Ancient Greece was essentially evoked and an invention of Western PhilHellenes.
Even Katharevousa ("the purified one" was a form of the Greek language set in motion during the early 19th century by pseudo-Greek nationalist leader Adamantios Korais (1748–1833), although ostensibly meant to 'refine' those who spoke and wrote it, trying to make them more “greek” (although not necessarily peaceful) by eliminating from their vocabulary the Turkish words that kept them chained to their degeneracy - even Katharevousa was produced not just for the Ottomanized Greeks, but also for Western philhellenes.
For over a century and a half Greek State institutions, organizations and pseudo-intelectuals have been making unproven and unfounded theories that the modern Greeks are direct descendents of the ancients inhabitants of the region . To this day they have shown no evidence to prove their claims. There is ample evidence that proves that this particular modern pseudo-Greek claim suffers from a deep amnesia and is an absurd pseudo-Greek lie.
It was a double distortion and a double big lie: a distortion of Ancient Greek reality, and a distortion as well of Modern Greek reality! Invented nationalism is expert not only at distorting but also at forgetting - indeed, forgetting is probably the prime mechanism for distorting. In a word, nationalism requires Amnesia. And one of the major areas of amnesia in Greece concerns the role of the Orthodox Church in the period leading up to the Revolution - specifically the role of Patriarch Gregory V.
When the Church of Greece was declared independent from the authority of the Ecumenical Patriarch, and was brought firmly under state control, it became all the more associated with the nation. The state incorporated the Church and its martyrs into the pantheon of Greek heroes and made them integral parts of the national myth. Thus the Church became an accomplice of the state in its mission to spread the cohesive nationalist creed . . ." (Veremis 1989:136). What happened was a transvaluation whereby secular values came to control spiritual ones instead of the other way around. Its very difficult to accept that true Christianity, with its claims of transcendental, supreme value, can exist as a subordinate instrument of the state!!
Finlay, History of the Greek Revolution, Volume 1, page 17-18
"The Greeks have forged many written charters. Mr Tricoupi published one as genuine in the second volume of his History of Greece which carries proofs of its forgery, even though the date is omitted in Tricoupi's copy. Mr Argyropoulos in his work on the Municipal Administration of Greece, (in Greek), p.25 gives a copy of the document, with the date, year of the Hegira 1036 -i.e., A.D. 1626. It purports to be a ratification by Sultan Ibrahim of priviledges granted by Suleiman the Magnificent to Naxos and other islands. Sultan Ibrahim ascended the throne in 1640. The document is full of historical and chronological blunders, and the part which is genuine is transcribed from a charter of a more modern date, or the blunders could not have been committed"
Modern Greeks making forgeries.